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Eastport Port Authority
We pride ourselves on fast, efficient, and damage-free handling of every type of cargo. Our safety-first staff, modern stevedoring equipment, and state-of-the-art proprietary tracking software ensure top quality care for your cargo.
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The Port of Eastport is served by two outstanding Piloting Services, Eastport Pilots and Quoddy Pilots USA. We are fully prepared to accommodate vessels up to 900′ in length. Take advantage of our complete list of services.
The Eastport Port Authority welcomes cruise ships of all sizes to visit our great port. We also invite multi-person vessels of any type including yachts and mega-yachts. Our facilities are prepared to meet your needs.
The Eastport Port Authority began it’s long and colorful history in 1977. That’s means we have seen over 21,000 tides, but who’s counting? Explore our past and current projects, and learn about where we are headed.
The Eastport Port Authority is divided into two major facilities: the Estes Head Cargo Terminal and the Breakwater Terminal. Both terminals are equipped to offer extensive maritime and cargo services.